Who Else Want To Get More Leads And Sales To Their Business... Using The Power Of “Content Phase Shifting”

And Start to Generate Clients And Students Right Away...
 Even Without any Website, Following And Technical Skill
By Applying "Agile Publishing"

It’s true…

There’s a new and different way for you to get more leads and sales for your business

It’s called the“Content Phase Shifting”

And it’s very different from the common methods you’re likely familiar with because of how it brings you more traffic and leads by leveraging 5 of the biggest search engines on the internet - Google, Youtube ,Itune , Amazon And Udemy - By publishing only one piece of content.

And as you’ll see, it doesn’t require you to be good at writing or look good on camera and you don’t even have to write a single word

Best part of all, it doesn’t require you to writing a single word or being a techie on internet

And you can start bringing more traffic and leads regardless of whether you have any prior marketing experience or not.

So, if you want to start publishing content and generate more leads and traffic to your business, you want to pay close attention to what I’m about to share with you.
Hi, My name is Nick Tsai.
In the past few years, i have generated more than $251,960.56 in sales
Using nothing but contents

By now, i have quitted my 9 to 5 job and running a profitable online business

While traveling around the world
And I am also qualified as a “dream car winner” for an affiliate promotion 

And all it starts from publishing contents.

And yet, I discovered the entire system by an accident

10 Years ago, i was a struggled real estate agent

I tried multiple ways generate leads and sales but nothing seems to really work
  • Standing on the street giving away flyers
  • Knock on doors
  • ​And spending money on ads
So i decided to take some classes to learn how can i do better

However, since there is an overwhelming amount of information, I created a blog and started to take notes on my blogs.

Half years later, I left my agency job, and started building my online business

But I started getting phone calls and emails, asking me to help them buy or sell houses.

After asking them where did they find me ,they all reply the same answer “ your blog”

However, by then, I was focusing on my e-commerce business, I wasn't paying attention to that.

Few years later. I failed in one of my major business, and lost entire years of revenue because of an stupid mistake

I tried many ways to recover my cash-flow

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Dropshipping
  • ​Agency

But nothing seems to really work

By the time of desperation. I received another phone call, asking me to help them sell the house. And yes… they found me because of my blog.

I got an idea, I decided to combine everything I learned and build a business on it.

I built blogs and make 6 figures on it

As you can see, I'm crushing it, and I discovered more ways to publish online content and generate leads … so i started to scale it...by spending more time on creating content….

  • I published ebooks
  • I published courses
  • I built a youtube channel…
Then I burned out

Until one day i read a book from zig ziglar … I realized all of his books are the very same content as his speech.

That’s an Aha moment for me

I realize that i can publish all content at once… by publishing a core content and repurpose it … over and over

Or either… i can find someone else’s content and repurpose it...

I called it “Content Phase Shifting”
By using Content Phase Shifting, you can easily quadruple your website traffic by simply creating one piece of content...
here is how it works…

I will take 1 to 2 hours created an online course With 7 to 9 videos on it
Then I edit those videos to put into my youtube channel

And publish those course on udemy

I then hire a ghostwriter to turn my very same content and publish on my blog, and apply SEO to rank it on Google

Then I hire someone to edit those content and turn it into a small book to sell on Amazon

And all I did was create one piece of content , then turn it into a different format.

So by applying content phase shifting , you can easily quadruple your traffic source from content, without spending even 1 more second on creating them.

What Makes This System So Unique ?

As you can see, most of the “content marketing” system online focuses on one type of search engine,and mostly ,like Google. However ,there are more search engines that can bring you traffic….Amazon, udemy, youtube,

By using Content Phase Shifting, you can tab into those hidden ,low competitor traffic sources and dominate them without spend more time

And that’s not all, Content Phase Shifting not only brings you more traffic , it also position you as an go-to expert in your market

It will make you not only a book author, and also a youtuber , an instructor and a blogger without spending extra time on creating the content

Imagine how much credibility you can get from this simple strategy.

If you can start publishing content with content phase shifting , you will become a go-to expert

And here is the cool part, content phase shifting can help you reach out more audiences that you normally can’t reach out to
  • You can now reach out to book readers on amazon
  • You can now reach out to course buyers from Udemy
  • You can now reach out to video watchers from youtube
  • And also you can get traffic from google and bing
By applying content phase shifting , you will easily get more traffic and leads to your site with your content 
And not only that, you can get even more traffic from other second tier search engines
Besides from Google, Amazon Youtube , And Udemy , there are way more second tier search engines that you can publish your content on

By doing that, In you easily tab into the hidden traffic source that your competitors has no awareness about
And the best part of it, the system doesn't require you to be good at camera or have a sexy voice at the beginning.

As I was shy and inhibiting.
And since my native language is not English.

When I first got started , all I did was create slides and record myself explaining that slides...then I just edited out my stuttering.

Guess what? It works amazing.

And the best thing, by applying this system over and over, I not only build massive content assets on the internet which brings me consistent traffic to my business, but also become more confident and fluent on camera .

By applying this system , you not only can build massive asset that brings you more traffic , and also you can find your voice and build your charisma on camera
Now Let Me Ask You A Question - How much does it worth to you if you can have traffic machines that bring you 4x more traffic every single day?

“By now, you see how and why the content phase shifting is so effective at getting you more leads and sales without spending more time on content creation.

And you understand what makes it so powerful to establish you as a go-to expert and authority .

And that’s why today I want to give you the opportunity to put it to work for you with a unique program...

Introducing: Crushing it with content.

Let me tell you what it will do for you, how quickly it will work, and everything you get today.”

So what’s the Crushing it with content. all about?

Well, it’s a comprehensive training about how you can publish content and dominate 4 major search engines … by only 1 piece of content

The first thing you get is… crush it with blog modules

In this modules , i will show you my proven system to build a profitable blog and crush it online
This part alone brings me 6 figures in passive income, and i will show you my step-by-step system
The second thing you get is… Crush it with videos module
In this module ,i will show you how you can bring unlimited traffic to your site using the power of youtube,
I will show you how you can find low competition keywords and also how to rank your content on top of google
As you will see, youtube is the world’s largest video search engine ,
By the time you finished this module , you will be able to publish content and get client with your cell phone
The third thing you get is… crush it with ebooks and crush it with podcast.
In these two modules , I will show you how you can apply content phase shifting and build your digital asset, to generate leads to your business.

I will also share with you how you can syndicate those content to second tier search engines so you can get even more traffic from the internet.

This alone brings me more than 30000 targeted leads that get interested in my offer.
The fourth thing you get is crush it with emails and crush it with funnels modules.
I will show you how you can turn your content into your lead machine

And turned your target audience into your customers

And how to follow up with them to turn them into your raving fans

With everything you’re getting today, you have everything you need to get more leads and sales for your business
But, this is just the beginning of what you get to Crushing it with content.
Because, when you enroll in Crushing it with content. today, you also get a unique Bonus not available anywhere else called Digital Marketing Lab.

Bonus - Digital Marketing Lab

With this bonus you get detailed training about how to build your own sales funnels , building your own email follow up system , setup your wordpress site and step-by-step training on how to set everything up .

This bonus alone can save you thousands on hiring engineers for your site. and you get it for FREE

And that’s not all.

 When you enroll in Crushing it with content. today, you also get another bonus called how to be more charismatic on camera .
Bonus - how to be more charismatic on camera 

With this bonus you get my detailed training on how to be confident and how to show up professional on camera,

I personally paid $2500 to hire top camera coaches to learn those secrets, yet you get all the secrets for FREE

And that’s still not all. Because you get one more bonus when you grab your copy of “Crushing it with content” today. It’s called Conversion Mage Software

Bonus - Conversion Mage Software
With this bonus you get my private software that helps me optimize my websites and get more leads.
The first part of this software is my social proof tool ,with this tool you can easily show up social proof on your blog and funnel and establish authority and trust, this tool alone can cost you $997 annually if you buy it elsewhere, but you will get it free today.

With this bonus you get my private software that helps me optimize my websites and get more leads.

The first part of this software is my social proof tool ,with this tool you can easily show up social proof on your blog and funnel and establish authority and trust, this tool alone can cost you $997 annually if you buy it elsewhere, but you will get it free today.
The second part of this software is my analytic and heatmap tool. This tool can help you monitor the behaviors of your website visitors , and show you the heatmap of their actions on your site, by using this tool, you can easily spot those “conversion killers” on your site and fix it asap
This tool alone can cost you $1997 annually , but you will get it free today
I’m not sure how much longer I’ll continue to include these bonuses, but for today, you get all of them, FREE.

With everything you get today:
  • Crush it with blogs ($997 value)
  • Crush it with videos ($997 value)
  • Crush it with course ($997 value)
  • Crush it with ebooks ($997 value)
  • Crush it with funnels ($997 value)
  • Crush it with emails ($997 value)
  • Bonus #1- digital marketing lab ($997 value)
  • Bonus #2-how to be more charismatic on camera ($997 value)
  • Bonus #3 - conversion mage software ($997 value)… 
Crushing it with content has a
total value of $8973.
So think about it like this:

At $8973, if all Crushing it with content did for you was bringing more leads and sales , would it be worth it?

I would say… yes, it would be worth it because I've made six figures with this simple system .

If all Crushing it with content did for you was establish yourself as an expert , would it be worth it?

Again, I would say… Yes, it would be worth it because in marketing, the hardest thing to build is your credibility .

If all Crushing it with content did for you was to help you find your voice and impact the world, would it be worth it?

And again, I would say… absolutely yes, it would be worth it because it can help you spread your message to all over the internet .
But, today, when you sign-up for Crushing it with content it isn’t going to cost you $2997 dollars. It’s not even going to cost you $1997.
Instead, today, when you sign-up for Crushing it with content you get access to everything:
  • Crush it with blogs ($997 value)
  • Crush it with course ($997 value)
  • Crush it with ebooks ($997 value)
  • Crush it with funnels ($997 value)
  • Crush it with emails ($997 value)
  • Bonus #1- digital marketing lab ($997 value)
  • Bonus #2-how to be more charismatic on camera ($997 value)
  • Bonus #3 - conversion mage software ($997 value)
A total value of $8973… for just 3 installments of $297. That’s over 90% off and a savings of over $2000.
And here’s the thing…

You don’t even have to say yes today. All you have to say is “maybe” – and that’s because you can put the entire Crushing it with content. to the test, risk-free.
When you sign-up to Crushing it with content, your entire investment is backed by a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee.
sign-up for Crushing it with content. today… go through everything… put it all to the test over the next 30 days, and you’re either thrilled with how much this has changed your business, or you can simply send me one email and you’ll get a complete refund of every penny.
You’re guaranteed to get more traffic and leads, or you get all your money back. No questions asked.
Go ahead… Click the button below. sign-up for Crushing it with content. right now. You either get more leads and sales … or it costs you nothing.

There’s no need for you to continue feeling overwhelming , confusing or frustrating . There’s no need for you to continue taking all other content marketing courses without seeing the result.

You can change all of that today with Crushing it with content.

Go ahead… Click the button below. sign-up for Crushing it with content. right now.

Please understand, this is a limited time offer. Crushing it with content. , all the bonuses, and the 90% discount are only available for 7 days.

So, if you want it, now is the time to act.

Go ahead… click the button below now.

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